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Building Blocks for Starting Your Business

Join us for an introduction to entrepreneurship and starting a business! Learn the basic ideas on determining a need in the marketplace, target marketing, unique selling points, and building your support team.

Building Blocks for Starting Your Business

Join us for an introduction to entrepreneurship and starting a business! Learn the basic ideas on determining a need in the marketplace, target marketing, unique selling points, and building your support team.

Movin’ On Up: Using Creative Principles to Guide Your Business Strategy

Out-of-the-box thinking can differentiate your business from your competition. This doesn’t mean that your brand has to produce the craziest and wildest ideas and content in the market. Rather, this process of thinking could be structured and planned by looking…

A New Year, A New You: How to be Innovative… Even After 100+ Years in Business

Innovation: it’s all about strategy—not spitballing, according to Ford Motor Co. CEO Mark Fields. In an article on Fortune.com, contributing editor Kirsten Korosec outlines the idea of innovation (without hurting profits) from a company that has been in business more…