As an entrepreneur, choosing the right organizational structure for your business could save you a ton of headaches in the future. Although the ease of starting and operating your business as a sole proprietor might seem inviting, trust us, a little extra work up-front is worth your time. We get it, with the millions of things you already have on your plate trying to get your awesome idea off the ground, taking a longer and harder route can just seem like another obstacle on your path.Â
Tag: startups
Mindfulness, Books and Caffeine: Create a New Recipe for Success!
Want to become smarter? Geoffrey James of Inc. magazine has been researching neuroscience and discovering easy techniques that can improve brain performance. These techniques are not only proven by scientific research, but they cost no money, and require very little…
And the Gold Medal Goes to… (Traits of High-performing Teams)
What makes a truly successful team? The individuals or the collective excellence? The mix of personalities? Does it all depend on the team leader? Hubspot Agency Post editor Jami Oetting compiles the top traits of great teams as originally posted…
Unlikely Places to Find Inspiration
Have a project coming up that requires you to be at your creative best? Find yourself lacking focus or maybe even experiencing “writer’s block”? Never fear… inspiration is near! Inspiration is an abstract emotion that not only motivates you but…
STOP… In the Name of Stress
Big event coming up? Did you just get a lead on that client you know will grow the business? Feeling excited, but a little bit nervous too? It’s understandable. We’re most nervous when we have something big coming up and…
Baby, Come Back: How to (Successfully) Get Return Customers
Business success is driven by your ability to gain and retain repeat customers. These repeat customers spend more, spend often and love your brand. They will stay loyal, talk about your business to friends and keep coming back for more.…
Fewer Decisions, Happier Life!
It is a proven fact that the more decisions you make, the more stressed and tired your brain becomes. You may not even think you’re making a lot of decisions daily, but it starts when you wake up and have…
Finding a Great Mentor
A successful professional life can be demanding; especially when you’re a woman juggling a career, children and a family. Most often, successful women feel a sense of guilt when they prioritize their family over their profession or vice versa. The…
Movin’ On Up: Using Creative Principles to Guide Your Business Strategy
Out-of-the-box thinking can differentiate your business from your competition. This doesn’t mean that your brand has to produce the craziest and wildest ideas and content in the market. Rather, this process of thinking could be structured and planned by looking…
Thanks for the Memories: Introducing Yourself in an Unforgettable Way
As professionals, we meet so many people out and about in the business community. Some of us meet a new person each and every day. When asked to introduce yourself, how do you react? Do you you’re your personal elevator…
Motivation Station: Stay Energized (even when it’s cold and snowy outside!)
It’s winter—the sun is hardly out, it’s snowing across most of the East Coast and you probably just want to stay inside and snuggle under a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate. Guess what—you’re not the only one! Stacey…
Accomplish Your Big Goals
January is almost over and it is almost that time of the new year when most of us have probably already faltered on our resolutions—or are struggling to keep pace with the promise we made for the year. Whether in…
A New Year, A New You: How to be Innovative… Even After 100+ Years in Business
Innovation: it’s all about strategy—not spitballing, according to Ford Motor Co. CEO Mark Fields. In an article on, contributing editor Kirsten Korosec outlines the idea of innovation (without hurting profits) from a company that has been in business more…
A New Year, A New You: Simple Ways to Give Your Website a Stronger Presence
It’s time to start the new year on the right foot for your business. Have you been putting off your website updates or guilty of waiting around for customers to find you? Well, it’s time to put some simple steps…
A One-word New Year’s Resolution
It’s that time of the year: we’re all looking at 2015 in retrospect celebrating successes and learning from mistakes. As we complete this process of self-analyzing, most of us would end up in making resolutions to live by in 2016…
Make Smart Decisions All Day Long
Every single day, individuals make at least 70 decisions, according to a study from Columbia University. From the simple decisions such as what to eat for dinner, to the more complicated and life-changing decisions like deciding whether or not to…
Simple Ways to Boost Your Confidence
Successful people exude confidence and often cite their confidence as the first step towards their success. It seems pretty obvious, doesn’t it? When you believe in yourself, your dreams and ideas, people automatically trust you more. When you have the…
Communication Secrets to Be a Better Leader
Great leaders are usually exceptional communicators. They are adept at connecting with every person in the audience, inspiring them to achieve more than they thought possible, and always seem to be able to deliver a powerful message. Dr. Travis Bradberry,…
Types of Lists You Need to Make Every Day Productive!
Keeping lists is a surprisingly simple way of keeping on target, getting things done and squeezing more out of every moment. Lists are also tricky in that they need to be done right and cramming everything into one giant list…
Are You Emotionally Intelligent?
What differentiates a good leader from a great one? What makes some people such a pleasure to work with? What makes some teams so successful than others? It’s not just IQ or industry knowledge that makes people great at their…