Want to become smarter? Geoffrey James of Inc. magazine has been researching neuroscience and discovering easy techniques that can improve brain performance. These techniques are not only proven by scientific research, but they cost no money, and require very little…
Tag: productivity
STOP… In the Name of Stress
Big event coming up? Did you just get a lead on that client you know will grow the business? Feeling excited, but a little bit nervous too? It’s understandable. We’re most nervous when we have something big coming up and…
10 Ways to Motivate Yourself
Motivation is an ebb and flow. We all have days of high energy which make us feel like we can take on the whole world—then again, we other days when even getting out of bed feels like a huge task.…
Fewer Decisions, Happier Life!
It is a proven fact that the more decisions you make, the more stressed and tired your brain becomes. You may not even think you’re making a lot of decisions daily, but it starts when you wake up and have…
If You Could Turn Back Time… How to Maximize Your Workday
Have you noticed how time just flies by when you have a lot of work to do? When you really need more time, the entire day seems to have come and gone in an instant. And when you’re not as…
Motivation Station: Stay Energized (even when it’s cold and snowy outside!)
It’s winter—the sun is hardly out, it’s snowing across most of the East Coast and you probably just want to stay inside and snuggle under a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate. Guess what—you’re not the only one! Stacey…
Being Productive… Even When it Gets Dark at 4 p.m.
How do you stay awake, active, and productive when it looks and feels like 9 p.m. when it’s only 4 in the afternoon and all you want to do it sit on the couch and watch TV? Try implementing some…
Get Focused at Work… and Get More Done!
Everyone works differently—some of us make lists on sticky notes. Some of us use calendar management systems to track meetings and personal appointments. Others use task management tools and apps to stay focused. And some people choose not to do…
Effectively Organizing Yourself (four ways to become more productive)
As an entrepreneur, quite often you end up wondering where you’re failing and why you’re failing. Even the most meticulous of business owners who prepare extensive to-do lists are trying to fix certain things. So now the question becomes ‘where…