It can be challenging to keep yourself motivated in tough times. With entrepreneurs, such times often prevail due to the nature of how start-ups and small businesses operate. From taking risks to getting it all done without working 20 hours a day, it is all one big challenge. As an entrepreneur, you might be facing several roadblocks which are often unknown and potentially even risky.
When times get tough, there are several timeless adages which can help to inspire you to act tougher and move forward as when times get rough. According to Stephen Key, having faith in oneself is one of the most important concepts to success for entrepreneurs. The following are his favorite quotes to help keep him engaged and inspired in the hardest of times:
- Time heals all wounds: Though key mentions that this phrase can be cliché, it is true that time gives everyone a perspective they need to deal with difficulties. People often are impatient and end up causing more harm by not letting personal scars heal with time. Failure is the stepping stone to success and to fail is to move forward in life. Instead of letting failure discourage you, in time it can help to bring out the best in you.
- Anything worth achieving takes longer than one might expect: Once again, the phrase ‘patience is a virtue’ comes to mind. Don’t compare yourself to others. Be comfortable with who you are and what your business is—and strive to be the best at it. The constant worry and pressure of achieving something tangible can end up discouraging you. There are no overnight successes—and that is okay!
- I can figure out anything: Key notes that “the power of observation is unparalleled and that there isn’t anything someone can’t learn by teaching himself or herself.” Always have the penchant for learning and trying something new. Try to be self-reliant by teaching yourself new skills. A belief in yourself is empowering and can lead you to greater successes.
- The path to success is never straight: Learn to navigate curves, as the way ahead is hardly straight. Key says that when he is distracted, it reminds him of what’s important, but when things aren’t going his way, it’s his purpose for inspiration. Expect failures wholeheartedly and surround yourself with positive people.
What are your favorite sayings and adages of inspiration that keep you motivated in challenging situations?
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