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Types of Lists You Need to Make Every Day Productive!

Types of Lists You Need to Make Every Day Productive!

Keeping lists is a surprisingly simple way of keeping on target, getting things done and squeezing more out of every moment. Lists are also tricky in that they need to be done right and cramming everything into one giant list can end up doing more harm than good.


Stephanie Vozza shares the six types of lists that can help you to become more productive:

A targeted daily to-do list: This seems to be a no-brainer, but you would be surprised by how many of us do not do this right. A to-do list cannot have big projects or goals. This needs to be specific and targeted with smaller actionable tasks—writing a blog post, checking social media metrics, compile staff evaluations for HR, etc. Identify small tasks that need to be done in order to complete the whole project; things as simple as the phone calls you have to make. Time them right and always follow up on tasks that are completed and if you need to, move less important tasks to the next day’s list.

An outsource list: Successful leaders know how to delegate. They know that they need not and should not be the ones doing everything. In order to get the more out of your time, make a list of the tasks that you need to and have already outsourced. In your personal to-do list, make a note for a follow up on these outsourced tasks.

Long-term goals list: Making a list of your long-term visions, goals and dreams can help you achieve more. Write it down; studies show that you’ll be 33% more likely to set things in motion when you write things down. When you create such long term lists, remember to create a recurring, periodical evaluation and review task.

Pros and cons list: Creating a pros and cons list help you evaluate the options presented to you. The best way to use this list is to write your thoughts down and leave it alone. Sleep on it and come back the next day for a fresh perspective.

Project list: When you’re working on a shared project, make a list of the team’s goal, the individual tasks and the accountability chain. This will help you avoid micromanaging, gives access to every member to review progress on all parts of the project and removes the need for cluttered back and forth status updates.

Talking-points list: If you have an upcoming networking event, this is your go-to list. Create a list of things you want to discuss, items you should not forget to talk about and points you think will add value to your meeting.

What types of lists help you stay on top of projects and increase your productivity? Do you use a work or personal calendar to help keep you accountable?

Click here to read the full article, originally published by Fast Company.

Thanks for reading and until next time… stay WISE!

Image credit to Hubspot.