It is impossible to pick just one word when describing our community of women small business owners in the midst of a pandemic. When I think of these women business owners, ferocity comes to mind. The word brings back thoughts of my days on the soccer field when I still had some speed! Most qualify me as small. On the field, I made myself as big as possible. As a defender, it meant that I moved with purpose, quickness, and smarts. I had to somehow “outsize” the many, especially when advancing to higher levels of the game. The forwards I marked threw around the word ferocious (and a few other words I will not add here) when describing my style of play.
Small business owners, who are surviving through a pandemic, may appreciate these qualities. They are using them to beat the odds. According to US Chamber of Commerce Special Report on Women-Owned Small Businesses during COVID-19, 47% of women small business owners rank the overall health of their business as good compared to 60% pre-COVID-19. At the WISE Women’s Business Center, we see daily that a combination of instincts, an ever-evolving toolbox of resources, and aggressive strategizing is keeping small business owners in the game of serving their customers. We also see qualities of gratitude and adaptability. While keenly focusing on their current value to the customer, savvy business owners express gratitude for continued loyalty and have a sincerity to change if a long-time product or service no longer provides value. Changing a long-time service or product is no easy feat and sometimes it requires thinking differently and using new resources. These women are using their own senses of purpose, quickness, and smarts to play defense against the challenges of the pandemic.
If you are feeling that your small business strategy needs some attention, you are in good company and you are fortunate to live here in Syracuse. Syracuse has a thriving network of small businesses and entrepreneurship resource partners standing ready to support your small business. Do not feel alone as you take on new challenges in the time of COVID-19. Every player must have a team to succeed and your time is valuable. Be ferocious as you think about the short and long-term success of your business and spend your time seeking out the best possible resources to keep you moving forward.
About WISE WBC: Founded in 2006, the WISE Women’s Business Center has helped thousands of women small business owners gain the counseling, training, and connections to move their small business goals forward. WISE is funded in part by the US Small Business Administration and hosted by Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University. WISE is also a proud member of the CUSE Collaborative powered by the KeyBank Boost and Build program.
Interested in no cost one-on-one business counseling to work on your small business strategy? Email, (315) 443-8634
WISE Women’s Business Center